CAD2VR® Update 1.69

Screenshots and Annotation Tool

Mit dem neuen Update erhält CAD2VR® Screenshos und verbesserte Annotationen

The latest release of CAD2VR® brings a num­ber of prac­ti­cal innovations.

Improvement of the Annotation Tool

The anno­ta­tion tool in CAD2VR® 1.69 has been impro­ved. You can now opti­mize the dra­wing shapes and choose the size and color to your liking. Ins­tead of the laser, we use a handy dra­wing indi­ca­tor that gives you an even bet­ter user expe­ri­ence while you make effort­less adjus­t­ments to the dra­wing distance in vir­tual rea­lity with the right joystick.


CAD2VR® 1.69 now makes it easy to create screen­shots. In VR, sim­ply press the grip and trig­ger of the left con­trol­ler simul­ta­neously. In desk­top mode, the screen­shot is trig­ge­red with the space bar. The images are saved in the User/​Screenshots/​ fol­der.

Measuring Tool – Unit change

In the new ver­sion CAD2VR® 1.69, the unit of mea­su­re­ment can now be set. You can choose bet­ween mil­li­me­ters, cen­ti­me­ters and meters.

Collision detection – Haptic feedback

Col­li­sion detec­tion with objects has been added. If you touch a 3D object with your hands, the con­trol­lers vibrate. There is visual feed­back in the event of a col­li­sion with the head.

Point cloud collision

Col­li­si­ons are now gene­ra­ted for point clouds. This makes it pos­si­ble to carry out mea­su­re­ments and move around on point clouds.

Base scaling

Some­ti­mes the loa­ded models are too small or too large. CAD2VR® 1.69 allows you to easily scale a model by a fac­tor of 10 using basic sca­ling. You will find this option in the model set­tings menu. When loa­ding very small models, you will be asked whe­ther sca­ling is desired.

New tab menus

Since CAD2VR® 1.69, tabs have been added to the exis­ting menus. This makes the menu tidier and clearer.