CAD2VR® directly on your VR headset!

Our inno­va­tive stan­da­lone ver­sion for Meta Quest 3 allows you to expe­ri­ence your CAD data in impres­sive vir­tual rea­lity. Expe­ri­ence maxi­mum free­dom, intui­tive ope­ra­tion and com­plete con­trol over your pro­jects. With our new solu­tion, you can take your CAD data with you whe­re­ver you go and enjoy num­e­rous advan­ta­ges of the PC ver­sion directly on your VR glasses.

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The stan­da­lone ver­sion offers free­dom wit­hout a con­nec­tion to the PC.

The best part: No addi­tio­nal hard­ware is requi­red, as the soft­ware runs inde­pendently on the head­set. Acces­sing your CAD data is effort­less – sim­ply trans­fer it from your PC to the head­set or load it from the cloud, and you’re ready to go!

Why use our CAD2VR® standalone version?

Perfect for client visits

Easily take your VR head­set to cli­ent mee­tings. Tra­vel light and pre­sent your models on-site with no pre­pa­ra­tion requi­red. Make your sales pro­cess simp­ler and more effi­ci­ent than ever before.

Easy to use

Our soft­ware is easy to use and acces­si­ble to all, enab­ling seam­less inte­gra­tion into your exis­ting work­flows. Move freely around the room and use CAD2VR® wit­hout cables or com­pu­ters – making it per­fectly portable.

Efficient license model

You can purchase the stan­da­lone ver­sion inde­pendently of our main licen­ses. Do you alre­ady own a Lite or Pro ver­sion? Then you can get the stan­da­lone ver­sion at a dis­coun­ted price.

Easy access

Use the PC ver­sion to import and prepare CAD data. Then, store the models in the secure cloud or trans­fer them directly to your headset.


The stan­da­lone ver­sion offers simi­lar func­tion­a­lity to the PC ver­sion – point clouds and video recor­ding are not curr­ently sup­ported. The multi-user mode will be available soon.

Independent of hardware

Set up fas­ter because no addi­tio­nal dri­vers or hard­ware are requi­red – ever­y­thing works directly on the VR headset.

Fea­tures that will excite you

Wire­less freedom

CAD data directly on your headset

Easy setup

Flight mode



How do I install the standalone version on my headset?

Down­load CAD2VR® directly to your Meta Quest 3 from the Meta Store and fol­low the simple set-up steps.

How do I get started with the standalone version?

When purcha­sing the stan­da­lone ver­sion, you will receive an import ver­sion for free to import your CAD data. If you alre­ady own a Lite or Pro license, you can use it for import­ing. The impor­ted data can be saved eit­her locally in a ses­sion or stored in the cloud. Locally saved ses­si­ons can be easily trans­fer­red to the head­set via your computer’s USB inter­face. Ses­si­ons stored in the cloud can be directly loa­ded onto your head­set through the software.

Which VR headsets are supported?

Meta Quest 3 is requi­red to use the stan­da­lone version.

Is there a demo version?

Yes, down­load CAD2VR® from the Meta-Store and test the soft­ware in the inte­gra­ted demo mode.

How much does the licence cost?

The stan­da­lone ver­sion is available for €199/​month. If you alre­ady have a Lite or Pro licence, we can offer you the stan­da­lone ver­sion for €119/​month or €99/​month respectively.

Ready for the future of CAD visualisation?

Down­load CAD2VR®
from the Meta-Store

Buy CAD2VR® and
choose your licence model

cad2vr logo white

Do you want more infor­ma­tion about CAD2VR®?
Do you wish to sche­dule a presentation
appoint­ment on site or via video conference?

Give us a call +49–5401–856851–0
or write to us.

More Infor­ma­tion

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