CAD2VR® Update 1.70

Fly Mode

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We are plea­sed to announce the release of the new CAD2VR® release 1.70. The update includes the new fly mode, impro­ved color sup­port, inte­gra­ted file sel­ec­tion and more feed­back with toast messages.

Navigation: Fly Mode

Dis­co­ver the latest fea­ture in CAD2VR® 1.70 – the fly mode! Easily switch bet­ween fly and tele­port mode using the tool but­tons. Use the left joy­stick for pla­nar move­ments and the right joy­stick for height adjus­t­ment and rota­tion. An adap­tive shadow shut­ter redu­ces motion sick­ness during move­ment. Adjust speed, shadow strength and rota­tion in fly mode via the added menu.

File selection in VR

3D models can now be con­ve­ni­ently sear­ched for and loa­ded using the inte­gra­ted file sel­ec­tion. This also works directly in VR.

Improved color support

CAD2VR® 1.70 now cor­rectly dis­plays mul­ti­ple mate­ri­als on one object.


In CAD2VR® 1.70, you have the option of ren­de­ring the sur­faces of 3D models with highlights.

More feedback: Toast messages

Since CAD2VR® 1.70, the user recei­ves more feed­back in the form of toast messages.