CAD2VR® Update 1.70
Fly Mode
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I AcceptWe are pleased to announce the release of the new CAD2VR® release 1.70. The update includes the new fly mode, improved color support, integrated file selection and more feedback with toast messages.
Navigation: Fly Mode

Discover the latest feature in CAD2VR® 1.70 – the fly mode! Easily switch between fly and teleport mode using the tool buttons. Use the left joystick for planar movements and the right joystick for height adjustment and rotation. An adaptive shadow shutter reduces motion sickness during movement. Adjust speed, shadow strength and rotation in fly mode via the added menu.
File selection in VR

3D models can now be conveniently searched for and loaded using the integrated file selection. This also works directly in VR.
Improved color support
CAD2VR® 1.70 now correctly displays multiple materials on one object.

In CAD2VR® 1.70, you have the option of rendering the surfaces of 3D models with highlights.
More feedback: Toast messages

Since CAD2VR® 1.70, the user receives more feedback in the form of toast messages.