Choose your VR device

Meta Quest 2 /​ 3

Pico 4

HTC VIVE /​ Valve

HTC Focus 3

HP Reverb 2

Setup Meta Quest 2 /​ 3 on your PC

  • 1
    Down­load and install the Meta Quest Link app here.
  • 2

    Acti­vate the Quest Link in your VR device by put­ting them on and going to the set­tings in the main menu. Sel­ect Sys­tem and Quest Link. Finally, sel­ect your com­pu­ter and start the Quest Link.

  • 3

    Meta Quest Link must be set as OpenXR-Run­time in the Meta Quest Link app. To do this, open the Meta Quest Link app and sel­ect Gene­ral in the set­tings. Next to OpenXR-Run­time, click on ‘Set Meta Quest Link as active’.

Note: To use CAD2VR® with Ocu­lus Quest, a con­nec­tion via link cable to a PC with Win­dows 10 is required.
In any case, a high-qua­lity USB cable (USB 3‑C to C or USB A to C), such as the offi­cial link cable from Ocu­lus, should be used. This can be purcha­sed on the Ocu­lus access­ories page. It is also pos­si­ble to use a cable from a third-party sup­plier (e.g. Anker), but this is not gua­ran­teed to work cor­rectly. Howe­ver, indi­ca­ti­ons of func­tion­a­lity can often be found in the provider’s reviews.

Setup Meta Quest 3 Standalone

  • 1

    Log in to the Quest 3 with your Meta account. If you do not yet have an account, you can create one here.

  • 2

    After log­ging in, open the Meta Quest Store on the head­set and search for CAD2VR.

  • 3

    Install CAD2VR® and then start the app.

Transferring session locally to your Meta Quest 3 Standalone

  • 1

    Import a model with the desk­top ver­sion of CAD2VR® and save the ses­sion locally or optio­nally in the cloud. The ses­sion is saved in your Documents/​CAD2VR/​Sessions folder.

  • 2

    Con­nect your VR head­set to the PC using a USB cable.

  • 3

    Put on your head­set and con­firm the USB reco­g­nised mes­sage. Click on this noti­fi­ca­tion to grant the con­nec­ted device access to the files.

  • 4

    Open Win­dows Explo­rer on your PC and navi­gate to ‘Quest 3\Internal shared memory\Android\data\com.revis3d.CAD2VR\files’. Create the CAD2VR fol­der there and the Ses­si­ons sub­fol­der. When start­ing CAD2VR® for the first time the fol­ders are crea­ted for you automatically.

  • 5

    Copy the pre­viously saved ses­sion files (.sav) from the Documents/​CAD2VR/​Sessions fol­der on your PC to the newly crea­ted CAD2VR/​Sessions fol­der on your VR headset.

  • 6

    Put your head­set on and start CAD2VR®. After log­ging in, you can access the ses­sion files in the Local tab or optio­nally in Cloud tab.

Note: If you want to trans­fer files locally to the Quest 3, you must be the owner of the device and carry out the fol­lo­wing steps with the owner’s account. To trans­fer files locally to the head­set, CAD2VR® must have been star­ted at least once.

If you have boo­ked cloud sto­rage, you can save the ses­sion in the cloud and down­load it later in the stan­da­lone ver­sion on your VR head­set. You can skip steps 2 – 5 for trans­fer­ring the ses­sion to the headset.

Setup Pico 4 on your PC

  • 1
    Down­load and install PICO Con­nect here.
  • 2

    Make sure that SteamVR has been star­ted and is in ‘Ready’ mode. The con­trol­lers must be swit­ched on.

  • 3

    In SteamVR under Set­tings, open the OpenXR menu item. Check whe­ther the cur­rent OpenXR run­time is set to SteamVR. If not, click on ‘Set STeamVR as OpenXR runtime’.

Note: The con­nec­tion with PICO Con­nect can be made via USB cable or WiFi. For the use of CAD2VR® with PICO 4, the con­nec­tion via USB cable is recom­men­ded. For the con­trol­lers to func­tion cor­rectly, the con­trol­ler mode must be set to ‘Stan­dard’ in the settings.
If CAD2VR® does not load when you have con­nec­ted the PICO to SteamVR as descri­bed, check in the task mana­ger whe­ther the OVR ser­vice laun­cher, OVRserver_​x64 and OVR Redir pro­ces­ses are run­ning and ter­mi­nate them.

Setup HTC VIVE or Valve Index on your PC

  • 1
    Down­load the setup ins­truc­tions here.
  • 2

    Make sure that SteamVR has been star­ted and is in ‘Ready’ mode. The con­trol­lers must be swit­ched on.

  • 3

    In SteamVR under Set­tings, open the OpenXR menu item. Check whe­ther the cur­rent OpenXR run­time is set to SteamVR. If not, click on ‘Set STeamVR as OpenXR runtime’.

Note: If CAD2VR® does not load when you have con­nec­ted the VIVE to SteamVR as descri­bed, check in the task mana­ger whe­ther the OVR ser­vice laun­cher, OVRserver_​x64 and OVR Redir pro­ces­ses are run­ning and ter­mi­nate them.

Setup HTC Focus 3 on your PC

  • 1
    Down­load the setup ins­truc­tions here.
  • 2

    Make sure that SteamVR has been star­ted and is in ‘Ready’ mode. The con­trol­lers must be swit­ched on.

  • 3

    Open the OpenXR menu item under Set­tings in SteamVR. Check whe­ther the cur­rent OpenXR run­time is set to SteamVR. If not, click on ‘Set STeamVR as OpenXR runtime’.

Note: If CAD2VR® does not load when you have con­nec­ted the Focus 3 to SteamVR as descri­bed, check in the task mana­ger whe­ther the OVR ser­vice laun­cher, OVRserver_​x64 and OVR Redir pro­ces­ses are run­ning and ter­mi­nate them.

Setup HP Reverb 2 on your PC

  • 1

    The setup appli­ca­tion installs auto­ma­ti­cally after con­nec­ting the headset.

  • 2

    Make sure that SteamVR has been star­ted and is in ‘Ready’ mode. The con­trol­lers must be swit­ched on. Win­dows Mixed Rea­lity for SteamVR must also be installed.

  • 3

    In the Mixed Rea­lity Por­tal, check whe­ther a mes­sage appears when start­ing the por­tal that Win­dows Mixed Rea­lity is not set up to run OpenXR appli­ca­ti­ons. If this is the case, click on the Repair but­ton to set Win­dows Mixed Rea­lity as OpenXR Runtime.

Note: Depen­ding on the Win­dows Mixed Rea­lity head­set, the sys­tem requi­re­ments may dif­fer from those lis­ted above. You can find these from the respec­tive manufacturer.